How To Repair Window Sash Cords
Window sash cord systems are generally encountered in double-hung windows. They basically comprise of a pair of counter-weights that are connected to the window sash through sash cords. These cords in plow piece of work in unison with incorporated pulleys (at the upper stop) to elevator upwards and open the window sashes, when we tug at the weights.
Yet, every bit will every fallible structural component, the sash cords (more often than not made from cotton) tend to lose their strength due to various reasons, ranging from paint effects to just frictional chafing. And, when the string does lose its tensile chapters, it just gets torn off.
Fortunately, y'all can replace your window sash cords in a relatively easy fashion with the assistance of few tools. Withal, before we showtime out with the steps, we will go through our customary tips and precautions every user should follow –
i. Some windows can be 'irritatingly' wedged in a tight position. Always try to free them in a gentle manner, and then equally to avoid breaking the sash or the glass.
2. When removing and replacing window components, similar the panel encompass or the trim, try your best non to damage the wooden material.
iii. As y'all tin can get together from the first paragraph, cords hang from both sides of a double-hung window. Simply even if the cord on 1 side is damaged (and the other is working fine), you should still supersede the cords from both the sides. This will maintain a more than fluent sliding of the window sash with equal resistance on both sides.
At concluding we come up to the process of replacing your window sash cords. For this DIY endeavor, you volition need the post-obit materials and tools – new sash cords, strong putty knife, utility knife, hammer, screw diver.

Step i –
You offset off by removing the window stops on both sides of the window. This can exist washed by gently jamming a utility pocketknife inside the paint 'line' connecting the stop with the window jamb (refer to the to a higher place epitome).
So cutting through this paint line past moving the knife, and that should loosen up the stop.
Now, you can gently shove a stiff putty pocketknife betwixt the loosened stop and the jamb, and pry open up the terminate layer.
Make sure you practise it in a constrained mode, without damaging the wooden components.
Step 2 –
The next step entails removing the window sash completely from the frame. Y'all should start off past identifying the metal rail that keeps the window sash in its position (many old windows tend to accept this system).
Then remove this rail, past unscrewing the nails or the screws the holds the rail to the jamb. Echo the process for the other side rail, and finally the sash should be loose.
Advisedly, unhook the sash cords from the loose sash from both sides. In most cases, a knot is tied at the end of the cord, and this portion is inserted into the sash slot. Consequently, y'all demand to 'pluck' this portion from the slot for easily detaching the cords.
Footstep 3 –
Now, y'all should be able to see the access covers that hide the cord tracks and the weights (refer to the 'access holes' in the side image).
In many cases, a parting strip holds the access encompass in its position. So, you should remove this strip by a small pry bar, earlier attempting to remove the access cover.
Afterwards removing the parting strip, detach the covers, and reach in for the weights with your hands. And so untie them from the cord.
Step 4 –
Measure out your new sash cord according to the length of your one-time sash cord. At present, tape the cease of this new cord to the end of the sometime cord (you lot can access the old cord through the panel cover opened in the earlier step). So, if y'all pull the old cord through the access hole, the new string consequently gets pulled over the top of the pulley.
Proceed on to tie this new sash string to the weight, while completely getting rid of the old string. Repeat the same process for both the window sides.
Tip – Y'all should put the weights back within the admission holes. And then examination the new cords by tugging at their ends, which should smoothly pull the weights towards the pulleys.
Step 5 –
It is time to supercede all the components you take removed earlier. Y'all should first off by replacing the access covers and the parting strips. The new departing strips tin exist fixed by using flat head screws, every bit opposed to conventional nails.
Footstep six –
Now, place the lower sash (which was opened earlier from Step 2) on the window sill. So concur each cord tightly against the window frame.
Go along on to cutting the cord exactly iii-inches beneath the point where the cord unremarkably attaches to the lower sash. And then tie a knot its end, and re-insert the portion into the sash slot (basically, it is the reverse of the process mentioned in the second paragraph of Stride 2).
Echo the aforementioned procedure for both ends, and that should securely attach the cords to the lower sash.
Stride 7 –
Move the lower sash into its opened position (along the upper stop of the window) by tugging at the newly attached cords. Finally, re-install the metal runway and the end layers, and thus your window sash cord replacement is complete.
Now, as with every DIY project, your new window oriented installation might appear to stick or not slide fluently. In such cases, use a bit of silicon based grease along the edges of the sash.
Tip – You can opt for small screws for installing the metallic runway, and oval head screws with embellished washers for installing the stop layers.
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